Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blancpain Watches

Discover the aesthetic and technological know-how for which Blancpain has been renowned since its creation in 1735.Individuals devoted to their craft who over the centuries have refined their skills and brought their art to the peak of perfection. Their passion for watchmaking has carried them through the setbacks of their trade to finally achieve the excellence in traditional craftsmanship enjoyed by Blancpain today.In the 21st century, Blancpain’s philosophy remains rooted in a deep respect for tradition and contempary values.
By mastering every complication, by refusing ever to manufacture a quartz watch, and by expressing time only in the shape of a circle, Blancpain remains the standard by which the art of traditional watchmaking is measured. Shunning compromise and unreservedly committed to excellence, its convictions are as relevant as ever.

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